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Community Breakfasts

These breakfasts which are served on the first and third Saturdays, September through June, provide much appreciated
nutrition and bring those who serve closer together in a joyful spirit of shared purpose and caring. Help is always welcome and new leaders are much sought after. The primary responsibility of leaders is to organize volunteers to provide the food items necessary to prepare and serve. 


Wheat Cafe

For about eighteen years, our parish has served a hearty meatloaf dinner on the first Thursday of every month at the Wheat/United Way Cafe. The participants have come to rely on and look forward to the Good Shepherd Meatloaf Thursday! On average, we serve fifty meals a month. A revolving schedule has volunteers participating three to four times a year. We start preparing the meal by 4pm and are finished by 6pm. We have participants who bring the base of the meal, those who come to serve and interact with the clients and those who assist by preparing meatloaves in advance.


If you are interested in helping, please reach out to Gayle O'Riley 978-621-9090 
or Ann Rossow 508-869-2710


Diaper Pantry

The Diaper-A-Day Diaper Pantry opened at the Church of the Good Shepherd in January 2016. 30 free diapers per month are available for children (newborn up to 3 ½ years old) living in Clinton, Bolton, Sterling, Lancaster, Berlin or Boylston or WIC Clinton clients. Currently two drive-up diaper pantries are held each month, on the first Wednesday, 4:00–5:30 pm and the third Tuesday, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Families may choose one to attend. Menstrual supplies are also made available.

All of the diapers given out are either donated or purchased with monetary donations. Donations are received from countless individuals, churches, businesses, schools, and other organizations. If you would like to help, diapers (size 4, 5 & 6 preferred) and diaper wipes are welcome. Help bagging diapers and sorting items may also be needed.


For information contact


Take-Out Meals

In August 2020 Church of the Good Shepherd offered its first Drive-up for Take-out Free Community Take-Out Meals. On a Saturday morning from 11:00–12:00 over eighty healthy meals were given out at the Union Street entrance to the church. Encouraged by the community's response, Good Shepherd continues its Community Take-Out Meal program. The next Drive-up for Take-0ut is scheduled for May 15 from 11:00–12:00. Reservations at are encouraged for planning purposes but all are welcome.


Advent Food Drive

During Advent 2019 Good Shepherd families added one item per day to their shopping carts. Gathered together these simple additions provided bags of groceries to families in our community.


Backpack Project

With the help of generous parishioners and in community partnership with Dr. Theodore Nelson's dental office and Jabil Healthcare of Clinton Good Shepherd was able to supply 76 fully stocked backpacks to students in need as the current school year began.


Purse Project

New and lightly used purses, as well as supplies including wallets, lip gloss, hand lotion, gift cards, and more are donated to Good Shepherd. The purses are filled with the supplies and given out to moms accessing Clinton WIC benefits.

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